A chart showing what the seasonal temperature has been like in Ylistaro over the years
Daily and seasonal temperatures in Ylistaro, Finland between 1959 and 2020

This chart shows the daily temperatures minimum between 1959 and 2020 in Ylistaro, Finland. The information presented in the chart has three dimensions: year, calendar date, and temperature. The data has been smoothed in order to reveal patterns and trends, and days with missing values are interpolated. The contour map version of the chart has a fascinating Rorschach inkblot quality to it. What shapes do you see in it? Certain years are noticeably colder than the rest. The following chart is the same, but with “raw” data, that is, the data has not been smoothed and missing values are shown as empty spots on the chart. This version is a heatmap, which does not make contour lines around similar values. That white zipper line is a column of would-be leap-days, in years that do not have the 29th of February.

A chart showing daily temperatures in Ylistaro, Finland between 1959 and 2020
Daily temperature minimums in Ylistaro, Finland, 1959-2020

Even though Ylistaro is at a high latitude, and it can get quite cold, there are some years when it hardly snows at all, and winter sports have to be cancelled completely. The coldest temperature at this weather station is -43.6°C (-46.5°F) on February 3, 1966. The Celcius and Fahrenheit values are almost the same, because the scales converge at exactly forty degrees.

The central feature of Climate Binge is the interactive charting tool, and you can analyze your local weather station of choice by looking at the data as a contour map, a heatmap, or as a 3D surface plot, shown below.

A chart showing daily and seasonal temperatures in Ylistaro, Finland between 1959 and 2020
3D surface plot of temperatures in Ylistaro, Finland 1959-2020. X-axis: calendar day, Y-axis: year, Z-axis: daily temperature minimum

I recommend that you get on a big screen and have a look at the interactive chart. It takes a minute to load, but it is well worth it. If you want to know if the weather this year is normal where you live, use the map to navigate to your own location and make a chart based on of the weather stations there.